What Is Enchondromas?

Enchondromas are benign tumors that develop within the cartilage of bones. These growths are generally slow growing and non-cancerous, but they can have implications for bone structure and function. In this article, we will look into the nature of enchondromas, covering their causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and some frequently asked questions.

Causes Of Enchondromas

The exact cause of these benign tumors remains unclear, but they are thought to result from abnormalities in the cartilage forming cells during bone development. While some cases may occur sporadically, others can be associated with genetic conditions such as Ollier’s disease and Maffucci syndrome, where multiple enchondromas are present.


These benign tumors often go unnoticed initially, as they may not cause symptoms. However, when they do, common signs include localized pain, swelling, and in some cases, fractures. The severity of symptoms depends on factors such as the size and location of the tumor.


Diagnosing these benign tumors involves a combination of clinical evaluation and imaging studies. X-rays are commonly used to visualize the tumor and assess it’s impact on the surrounding bone. In some cases, an MRI may be recommended for a more detailed view of the soft tissues surrounding the tumor.

Types of Enchondromas

Enchondromas can be categorized based on their characteristics:

  1. Central Enchondromas: These occur within the central part of a bone.
  2. Peripheral Enchondromas: Located near the surface of the bone.
  3. Multiple Enchondromas: When multiple tumors are present, as seen in conditions like Ollier’s disease and Maffucci syndrome.

Treatment Options

The management of these benign tumors depends on various factors, including the size, location and symptoms associated with the tumor. In many cases, observation may be sufficient, especially if the tumor is small and asymptomatic. Surgical intervention may be considered for larger tumors causing pain, deformity, or fractures.


While these tumors are generally benign, they can lead to complications such as fractures or in rare cases, transformation into a malignant form known as chondrosarcoma. Regular monitoring is important in other to detect any changes in the tumor’s behavior.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are enchondromas cancerous?

These tumors are typically benign, meaning that they are not cancerous. However, in some rare cases, they may transform into chondrosarcoma, a malignant form of cartilage cancer.

Can enchondromas cause pain?

Yes, these benign tumors can cause localized pain, especially if they grow large or lead to fractures. Pain is often a key symptom that makes individuals to seek medical attention.

How are enchondromas treated?

Treatment options vary. Small asymptomatic tumors may be monitored without intervention. The use of surgical removal may be considered for larger tumors causing pain, deformity, or fractures.

Are the benign tumors hereditary?

While most of the benign tumors occur sporadically, some cases are associated with genetic conditions like Ollier’s disease and Maffucci syndrome, which can have a hereditary component.

Can these benign tumors go away on their own?

These benign tumors do not typically go away on their own. However, small, asymptomatic tumors may be managed through regular monitoring without the need for immediate intervention.

How are enchondromas diagnosed?

Diagnosis involves a combination of clinical evaluation and imaging studies, such as X-rays and, in some cases, an MRI, in other to visualize the tumor and assess it’s impact on the surrounding bone.

Is there a risk of enchondromas turning into cancer?

While most enchondromas remain benign, there is a rare risk of transformation into chondrosarcoma. Regular monitoring and follow-ups with a healthcare provider are essential in other to detect any concerning changes.


Enchondromas are intriguing benign tumors that can affect the cartilage within the bones. While often harmless, their potential to cause symptoms and complications makes it necessary for careful monitoring and in some cases, intervention. If you suspect you have an enchondroma or have concerns about bone health, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis and appropriate management.