What Is Maffucci Syndrome?

Maffucci syndrome is a rare and complex disorder characterized by the presence of multiple enchondromas, benign cartilage tumors, combined with soft tissue hemangiomas, which are abnormal growths of blood vessels. This unique combination of symptoms sets this syndrome apart from other medical conditions. In this article, we will look into the various aspects of the syndrome, including it’s causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and some of the frequently asked questions.

Causes of Maffucci Syndrome

The exact cause of Maffucci syndrome is not fully understood. It is believed to result from somatic mutations occurring during early development, leading to the simultaneous formation of enchondromas and hemangiomas. Unlike some genetic conditions, Maffucci syndrome typically occurs sporadically without a familial predisposition.


Maffucci syndrome is characterized by the presence of multiple enchondromas primarily affecting the bones of the hands and feet. These enchondromas can lead to bone deformities, fractures, and limb length discrepancies.

The coexistence of soft tissue hemangiomas, which appear as small, reddish nodules, distinguishes Maffucci syndrome from other disorders.


Diagnosing Maffucci syndrome involves a thorough clinical examination, imaging studies, and, in some cases, a biopsy. X-rays and MRI scans are commonly used to visualize the enchondromas and hemangiomas, while a biopsy may be performed to confirm the nature of the tumors.

Treatment Options

The management of Maffucci syndrome is challenging due to the multifocal nature of the tumors. Treatment aims to address symptoms and complications. Surgical intervention may be considered for symptomatic enchondromas or hemangiomas causing pain, deformity, or functional impairment. However, complete removal of all tumors is often not feasible.


The prognosis for individuals with Maffucci syndrome varies based on the extent and severity of skeletal and soft tissue involvement. Complications such as fractures and the potential for malignant transformation of enchondromas into chondrosarcoma can have an impact on the long-term outlook.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is Maffucci syndrome hereditary?

This syndrome is typically not hereditary. It arises sporadically due to somatic mutations during early development, and there is usually no family history of the condition.

What distinguishes Maffucci syndrome from other disorders?

The unique combination of multiple enchondromas and soft tissue hemangiomas distinguishes Maffucci syndrome. This dual manifestation sets it apart from conditions solely characterized by either bone tumors or vascular abnormalities.

How is The syndrome treated?

Treatment is focused on managing symptoms and complications. Surgical intervention may be considered for problematic tumors, but complete removal is often challenging.

Can Maffucci syndrome lead to cancer?

While the enchondromas in Maffucci syndrome are benign, there is a risk of malignant transformation into chondrosarcoma. Regular monitoring and early intervention are important in to manage this risk.

Are there any preventive measures for The syndrome?

As the exact cause is unknown, there are no specific preventive measures for this syndrome. Early diagnosis and appropriate management are essential for improving the outcomes.

How does This syndrome affect daily life?

The impact on daily life varies among individuals. Some may experience minimal symptoms, while others may face challenges due to bone deformities and soft tissue abnormalities. Regular medical follow-ups are essential for monitoring and addressing any emerging issues.

Can This syndrome be passed on to children?

Since the syndrome is typically not hereditary, the risk of passing it on to children is low. Most cases occur sporadically, and there is usually no family history.


This syndrome presents a unique combination of bone and soft tissue abnormalities, posing challenges in diagnosis and management. Early detection, regular monitoring, and a multidisciplinary approach involving orthopedic and vascular specialists are important for addressing the complexities of this rare disorder. If you suspect Maffucci syndrome or have concerns about bone and soft tissue health, it is important to seek medical advice for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.