Best Foods To Eat While Breastfeeding To Avoid Colic In Your Baby

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and essential bonding experience between a mother and her newborn, providing numerous benefits for both. However, some infants may experience colic, a condition marked by excessive, inconsolable crying and discomfort. While the causes of colic can vary, a mother’s diet during breastfeeding can play an important role in alleviating the symptoms. In this article, we will look into the connection between maternal nutrition and colic, and highlight the best foods to eat while breastfeeding to avoid colic.Foods to Eat While Breastfeeding to Prevent Colic

What is Colic?

Colic in infants is often characterized by episodes of prolonged crying, typically occurring in the late afternoon or evening. The exact cause of colic remains unclear, but factors such as gastrointestinal discomfort, gas, and sensitivity to certain components in breast milk may contribute to it’s onset. As a breastfeeding mother, making mindful choices about your diet can significantly impact your baby’s digestive comfort.

The Link Between Maternal Diet and Colic

Research suggests that certain foods in a breastfeeding mother’s diet can influence the composition of breast milk and, subsequently, affect the baby’s digestive system. While each baby is unique, some infants may be more sensitive to specific elements transferred through breast milk, potentially triggering colic symptoms.

Best Foods to Eat While Breastfeeding to Avoid Colic

  1. Stay Hydrated: Staying well-hydrated is a fundamental for overall health and can help ensure an optimal supply of breast milk. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps maintain hydration levels, benefiting both mother and baby.
  2. Choose Lean Proteins: Go for lean protein sources such as chicken, fish, and legumes. These proteins are easily digestible and less likely to cause gastrointestinal discomfort in your baby.
  3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Include fatty fish like salmon and flaxseeds in your diet as sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats can positively impact your baby’s developing nervous system and may reduce inflammation.
  4. Probiotics-Rich Foods: Integrate probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and kefir into your daily meals. Probiotics contribute to a healthy gut microbiome, potentially aiding in digestion and minimizing colic symptoms in your baby.
  5. Fiber-Rich Foods: Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are excellent sources of fiber. Fiber promotes digestive health and can help regulate bowel movements in both mothers and infants.
  6. Limit Gas-Inducing Foods: Some babies may be sensitive to gas-producing foods in breast milk. Limit your intake of gas-inducing foods such as beans, cabbage, and carbonated beverages to reduce the likelihood of colic.
  7. Herbal Teas in Moderation: While some herbal teas, like chamomile and fennel, are believed to have calming effects, it is essential to consume them in moderation. Excessive intake may lead to the transfer of strong flavors through breast milk.
  8. Avoid Allergenic Foods: If your baby shows signs of food sensitivities or allergies, consider eliminating common allergens such as dairy, nuts, and soy from your diet. Consult with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can breastfeeding mothers drink coffee or caffeinated beverages?

Moderate caffeine intake is generally considered safe while breastfeeding. However, excessive caffeine can lead to irritability and poor sleep in infants. It is advisable to limit caffeine consumption and observe your baby’s reaction.

Are there specific foods to avoid to prevent colic in breastfeeding babies?

While individual sensitivities vary, some mothers find that limiting gas-inducing foods, such as beans and cabbage, can help reduce colic symptoms. Additionally, monitoring your baby’s response to dairy, soy, and nuts may be beneficial.

How can I tell if my baby is experiencing colic due to breastfeeding?

Colic is often characterized by prolonged periods of inconsolable crying, usually in the late afternoon or evening. If your baby is experiencing persistent discomfort, consult with a pediatrician to rule out any underlying issues.

Is it necessary to eliminate certain foods from my diet while breastfeeding to prevent colic?

Not necessarily. While some babies may benefit from dietary adjustments, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes. They can provide personalized guidance based on your baby’s specific needs.


Breastfeeding is a rewarding journey, and understanding the impact of maternal nutrition on colic can empower mothers to make informed choices. By adding nutrient-rich, easily digestible foods into your diet and being mindful of potential triggers, you can contribute to your baby’s digestive comfort. Remember, each baby is unique, so paying attention to your child’s cues and consulting with healthcare professionals are essential steps in promoting a positive breastfeeding experience.

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