Can You Get Sick from Eating Earthworms? A Look Into the Potential Health Risks and Benefits

The Nutritional Value of Earthworms | Can You Get Sick from Eating Earthworms? | What happens if you eat an earthworm?

Earthworms are fascinating creatures that plays an important role in the ecosystem by aerating the soil and enhancing its fertility. However, some people have raised concerns about whether consuming earthworms can lead to illness. In this article, we will look into the potential health risks and benefits of eating earthworms and explore the science behind these claims.

The Nutritional Value of Earthworms

Before we discuss the potential health implications of eating earthworms, let’s explore their nutritional content. Earthworms are rich in protein, low in fat, and a source of essential vitamins and minerals. In many cultures around the world, consuming insects and other small creatures like earthworms has been a part of traditional diets for centuries.

Can You Get Sick from Eating Earthworms?

What happens if you eat an earthworm?”

The risk of getting sick from eating earthworms depends on various factors, including the following:

Parasites and Pathogens

One of the primary concerns with consuming earthworms is the potential presence of parasites and pathogens. Earthworms can harbor various organisms, including bacteria, viruses, and parasitic worms. These organisms might not pose a threat to earthworms themselves, but they could be harmful when transmitted to humans.

Soil Contamination

can you get sick from eating earthworms
Image Credit: Freepik

Earthworms live in the soil and feed on organic matter. As such, they can accumulate harmful substances like heavy metals and pesticides from the soil they inhabit. If earthworms are consumed without proper preparation, these contaminants might find their way into the human body and lead to health issues.

Health Risks of Eating Raw Earthworms

Eating raw earthworms poses a higher risk of potential health problems compared to consuming cooked earthworms. When eaten raw, any parasites, pathogens, or contaminants present in the earthworms remain intact, increasing the likelihood of infection or illness.

What disease does earthworm cause?

Bacterial Infections

Raw earthworms can carry harmful bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli. Ingesting these bacteria can cause food poisoning symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps.

Parasitic Infections

Certain species of parasitic worms can be transmitted from earthworms to humans. For instance, consuming raw earthworms that harbor nematodes like roundworms might lead to parasitic infections, affecting the digestive system and causing discomfort.

Cooking Earthworms to Reduce Risks

To minimize the risk of illness, proper preparation of earthworms is very important. Cooking earthworms thoroughly can kill potential parasites and bacteria, making them safer for consumption. The following methods can be used;


Boiling earthworms is one of the most effective ways to cook them. Bringing a pot of water to a rolling boil and immersing the earthworms for a few minutes can help eliminate harmful organisms and reduce the risk of infection.


Roasting earthworms over an open flame or in an oven is another method to ensure they are safe to eat. High temperatures can destroy parasites and bacteria, making roasted earthworms a more palatable option for some individuals.

Cultural and Ethical Considerations

The practice of consuming earthworms varies across cultures, and it’s essential to consider the ethical implications of harvesting these creatures for food. In some regions, earthworms are considered a sustainable protein source, while in others, it may be regarded as taboo or environmentally detrimental.

Benefits of Eating Cooked Earthworms

Despite the potential risks, there are also perceived benefits associated with consuming cooked earthworms:

Protein Source

As mentioned earlier, earthworms are rich in protein, which is essential for muscle repair, immune function, and overall health. For individuals in areas with limited protein sources, earthworms could be a viable option to meet dietary needs.

Nutrient Content

Earthworms contain essential nutrients such as iron, calcium, and vitamin B12. These nutrients are vital for various bodily functions, including red blood cell production and nerve health.

Sustainable Food Source

Compared to traditional livestock, earthworm farming requires significantly less space, water, and feed. Consequently, they are considered a more environmentally sustainable protein source, with a lower ecological footprint.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are earthworms poisonous to humans?

Earthworms are not poisonous to humans. However, consuming raw or improperly cooked earthworms can pose health risks due to potential bacterial and parasitic infections. Proper cooking techniques can eliminate these risks, making earthworms safe for consumption. As with any unconventional food, it’s important to exercise caution and ensure they are prepared correctly to avoid any health issues.

Do earthworms carry diseases?

Yes, earthworms can carry diseases. They have the potential to harbor various infectious agents such as bacteria, parasites, and pathogens, which might not pose a threat to the worms themselves but can be harmful to humans if ingested. To minimize the risk of illness, it’s important to handle and cook earthworms properly before consumption.

In what ways can earthworms harm humans?

Earthworms are generally harmless to humans and play an important role in improving soil health and fertility. However, there are a few ways in which earthworms could potentially cause harm:

  1. Disease Transmission: As mentioned earlier, earthworms can carry bacteria, parasites, and pathogens, which may cause food borne illnesses in humans if ingested. Consuming raw or improperly cooked earthworms increases the risk of these disease causing agents entering the human body.
  2. Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to proteins or substances present in earthworms. Direct contact with earthworms or their secretions could trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals, leading to skin irritation, redness, or itching.
  3. Soil Contaminants: Earthworms live in the soil and feed on organic matter. In areas with polluted soil, they can accumulate harmful substances like heavy metals and pesticides. If consumed without proper preparation, these contaminants might find their way into the human body and pose health risks.
  4. Environmental Impact: While it does not cause direct harm to humans, large scale earthworm invasions in certain regions can alter soil composition and negatively impact native plant and animal species. Non native earthworm species introduced to new environments may disrupt the ecological balance and affect local biodiversity.

It is important to highlight that these instances of harm are relatively rare and typically occur under specific circumstances. In most cases, earthworms are beneficial to the environment and do not pose significant risks to human health. To avoid potential harm from earthworms, it is important to handle and prepare them properly if they are to be used as a food source and to be cautious if one has known allergies or sensitivities.

Key Takeaway

While consuming earthworms can be a nutritious and sustainable food choice, it is important to understand the potential health risks associated with their consumption. Eating raw earthworms may expose individuals to parasites, bacteria, and soil contaminants, leading to various health problems. To minimize these risks, it is recommended to cook earthworms thoroughly before consumption.

Additionally, cultural and ethical considerations should be taken into account when exploring the practice of eating earthworms. As with any food choice, balance, and moderation are key to maintaining a healthy and diverse diet. Always consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist before adding unusual food items like earthworms into your diet.