What Are The 7 Disadvantages Of Tiger Nuts?

Tiger nuts which are also known as chufa or earth almonds have gained popularity in recent years as a nutritious and versatile food. They are a rich source of fiber, vitamins and minerals, and are often used in preparing various dishes and snacks. While tiger nuts offer numerous health benefits, it is important to be aware of their potential disadvantages as well. In this article, we will look into the various disadvantages of tiger nuts to help you make informed choices about adding them into your diet.

Disadvantages Of Tiger Nuts

SEE ALSO: Tiger Nuts: 5 Nutritional Values, Benefits, etc.

Disadvantages Of Tiger Nuts

High Calorie Content

One of the primary disadvantages of tiger nuts is their high calorie content. While they are indeed rich in nutrients, with a 100-gram serving providing around 360 calories, this can be a concern for individuals looking to manage their weight. Consuming tiger nuts in excess can lead to an excessive calorie intake, which could contribute to weight gain if not balanced with other dietary choices and physical activity.

Allergenic Potential

Tiger nuts are not suitable for everyone, as some individuals may experience allergic reactions. Allergies to tiger nuts are relatively rare, but they can cause symptoms such as itching, hives, and digestive issues in sensitive individuals. If you have a history of nut allergies, it is advisable to exercise caution when adding tiger nuts into your diet and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

High in Oxalates

Another drawback of tiger nuts is their oxalate content. Oxalates are compounds found in certain foods that can contribute to the formation of kidney stones in susceptible individuals. Tiger nuts are considered high-oxalate foods, so people with a history of kidney stones or those prone to kidney stone formation should consume them in a moderate amount of size or avoid them altogether.

Potential Digestive Issues

While tiger nuts are an excellent source of dietary fiber which is beneficial for digestive health, consuming them in excessive quantities can lead to digestive discomfort. The high fiber content may cause bloating, gas or diarrhea in some individuals, especially if they are not used to a high fiber diet. It is important to introduce tiger nuts gradually into your diet and drink plenty of water to minimize any digestive issues.

Phytic Acid Content

Tiger nuts contain phytic acid, an anti-nutrient that can interfere with the absorption of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium and iron. While phytic acid has health benefits as well, excessive consumption of tiger nuts could potentially lead to mineral deficiencies in individuals with an already low intake of these nutrients. To mitigate this risk, it is advisable to diversify your diet and not rely solely on tiger nuts as a primary source of nutrition.

Limited Dishes Uses

Despite their versatility, tiger nuts may have limited dish uses compared to other nuts and seeds. They are often used to make beverages like tiger nut milk or horchata, and they can be added to various dishes as a topping or ingredient. However, their somewhat distinct flavor and texture may not appeal to everyone, thereby limiting the number of dishes in which they can be added into.

Cost Considerations

Tiger nuts can be relatively expensive compared to other nuts and seeds. Their growing and harvesting process can be labor intensive, which contributes to their higher price rate. This cost factor may make tiger nuts less accessible to individuals on a tight budget.


Tiger nuts are undoubtedly a nutritious and wholesome food that offers several health benefits. However, it is important to be aware of their disadvantages, including their high calorie content, allergenic potential, oxalate content, digestive issues, phytic acid content, limited dish uses, and cost considerations. To enjoy the advantages of tiger nuts while reducing it’s drawbacks, it is advisable to consume them in a moderate quantity as part of a well balanced diet. If you have specific health concerns or dietary restrictions, consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist before adding tiger nuts to your regular eating routine.

By being informed about both the benefits and disadvantages of tiger nuts, you can make your own choices about whether they are a suitable addition to your diet, taking into account your individual health and dietary goals.